Whatever you want to know about brass-band music – here you can learn it!
Tango or Hip-Hop, Ragtime or Waltz, Klezmer, Polka and Charlston – these unscrupulous instrumentalists stop at nothing. If words are lacking, they will be contributed on a highly poetic level by guests such as song imitator Steffen Mensching.
Hotcooltür is what the trend is. Music for the people – World Music!
Tracks and Prelistening
- 01 Andre Jungs in deinem Alter
- 02 Die große Schwarze mit dem blonden Schuh
- 03 Am Hirschberger See
- 04 Woodschellerando
- 05 Die Last des Kopfes
- 06 Woodyputt
- 07 Bracno Oro
- 08 Viola
- 09 Dnepropetrowsk Wagsaal
- 10 Transsibirischer Eisenbahn Corrido
- 11 Woodys Zenit
- 12 Zackenmützenmoos – Isle of Ice „Snowfox”
- 13 Muschellied
- 14 Miserable Rack Time Grave
- 15 Judith's Jewish Waltz
- 16 Bläsermafia
- 17 Tango Fugitive oder Das Grab des unbekannten Tangotänzers
- 18 Ragtime for Woody